Membership to The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup includes the following requirements:
- a willingness to pray (daily is preferred) the minimum prayers contained in the Akathist to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Cup” booklet. These prayers take approximately less than ten (10) minutes a day and include:
- Pages 13-14 (1st paragraph and Ikos 1);
- Pages 29-31, Kontakion 13, First Prayer, Second Prayer and end with Troparion (Tone 4).
- Each member creates a list of individuals, family members and/or friends that they choose to pray for.
- Members then share their list with other members creating a ministry of intercession.
- The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup, a non-profit organization, is self-supporting by its members/donors contributions. Members are asked to contribute a suggested monthly pledge of $15 or more according to their financial ability and prayerful consideration. Within PayPal please choose "monthly draft" option. All contributions, however small or large, are greatly appreciated. Funds are used to help with operating costs, publishing articles, production of teachings (audio/video), cd’s, establishing and coordinating guided retreats, and granting clergy/staff members compensation when needed.
All members are asked to make their contributions payable to “The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup” and will receive a tax exemption at the end of the year. All funds are overseen by the Board of Trustees. The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup donates a generous percentage of all contributions to the following causes: growth and development of Orthodox monasteries (especially women’s monasteries) and worldwide missions.